DR WHO: The Space Between
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DR WHO: The Space Between
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THE TARDIS DATA LOGthe importants
THE BAD BOYS HIDEOUT!no it's only the staff chat, don't get so excited
THE PROCLAMATIONSrules, regulations and general information
CHARACTER CLONING AND REGENERATIONcharacter sign ups and applications
TARDIS BACKUP FILESaccepted character applications.
FUN, GAMES & ALL THAT JAZZoh the fun to be had!
INTRODUCTIONS!it's only because we're nosy, sue us.
LITTLE BLUE BOOKdoctor who (whoniverse) reference sites
OH SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!chat to your hearts content!
LETS BE ALL VINCENT VAN GOGHgraphics showcases, right here.
YOU'RE THE DOCTOR, NO YOU'RE THE DOCTOR...out of character games.
THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU NOW!questions, comments and tardis updates
TARDIS UPDATESsite updates and important announcements
SUGGESTIUVELYthe suggestion box
WHATS WITH ALL THE QUESTIONS-WOULD YOU LIKE A JELLY BABY?!questions and comments are to be posted here.
CHARACTER WIBLY BITScharacter essentials, for plotting and growing your character
THIS IS A BIT WIBBLY WOBBLYthe plotting board
JOURNALSas time travelers its a good idea we have one of these.
RUMOR MILLwho said what now?
IS THAT A PHONE RINGING?the doctor's phone, only select access
TIME LINESthe thread trackers for those who care
SHUT YOUR EYES AND RUN!the absentee board.
IT'S THE CLASSIFIEDS!!post your ads here, guest friendly
FIRST TIME FLYERSpost your ad here if this is your first time
OUR FANTATICS!!post your link-back ads here.
THE TARDISshes my sexy. reliable old girl.
TORCHWOODtorchwood universe - spaceship
CONTROL ROOMwhere destinations are entered and maintenance is done
THE LABresearching, running tests, and forming theories
STORAGEimagine all the secrets kept in here
BARRACKSdon't let the bedbugs bite
CAFETERIAjust the place for a midnight snack
NEW EARTHthey really do keep going, spreading across the stars
NEW NEW YORKactually the 15th New York.
NEW ATLANTICthe New Earth version of the Atlantic Ocean
NEW NEW JERSEYthe New Earth version of New Jersey
PRESENT DAY EARTHEarth from 2012 onwards up until they all leave
THE SPACE BETWEENwhat really lies at the end of the universe
GALLIFREYthought to have been lost in the timewar...
THE BIG BAD UNIVERSEalmost endless, this. so very big and full of possibility.
KRYPTONlarge, radioactive astroid field
PANDORAthe na'vi planet
VOLAG-NOCthe coldest planet in the universe
Xanadurextipiamarvisa pandemic planet
THE TARDISshes my sexy. reliable old girl.
EARTH, YE OLDEbefore it exploded from the sun.
LONDONthe main city of Doctor Who
CARDIFFpositioned directly under the rift, home of Torchwood 3
AMERICAunited states, canada, etc.
ASIAchina, japan, thailand, etc.
TORCHWOODthe old Torchwood, before it went mobile
UNIT BASESunified intelligence taskforce
PETE'S WORLDthe parallel universe where Dårlig Ulv-Stranden can be found
THE BIG BAD UNIVERSEalmost endless, this. so very big and full of possibility.
KRYPTONformer home to Kryptonians
VOLAG-NOCthe coldest planet in the universe
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