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where destinations are entered and maintenance is done

Spaceships are smart these days, they don't need to be flown, but I bet this is where you'll find none other than Captain Casanova. Lots of windows here which means lots to see and he likes to see everything. Who wouldn't? This is space. I wonder if I could get windows in the TARDIS...

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researching, running tests, and forming theories

Oh, this is the funnest room on the entire ship! This is where all the magic happens. Tracking aliens, discovering new planets, finding out which piece of alien technology does what. Their lab, my museum. And everyone loves a museum! All sorts of fun to be had!

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imagine all the secrets kept in here

Oh, and this! This is the part of the museum everyone wishes they could see but no one can. Down here is all sorts of alien technology and even a few aliens who no longer have a home. Don't worry, they're treated well. If they weren't, I'd be there in a flash!

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don't let the bedbugs bite

Nothing much going on down here. This is where the Torchwood crew goes to sleep, or just get some quiet time. Although I'm not sure Jack sleeps... if I didn't know they weren't real, I'd think he was a vampire. Oh, and wouldn't he just love an excuse to bite people.

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just the place for a midnight snack

Oh, you're just dim if I have to tell you what goes on in here. You think this is where they turn on Beethoven and flit around like fairies? Nooo. This is where they eat. Breakfast, lunch, brunch, you name it.

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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
TORCHWOODtorchwood universe - spaceship
These guys are still hanging around, got nice wheels too. Torchwood is no longer run by Jack Harkness but was picked up by his children, the job being passed down through the family and is now run by Elijiah Fletcher.
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