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the main city of Doctor Who

Quite possibly my favorite city on Earth. So much alien activity, though. There must be an alien magnet hiding somewhere under the Earth's surface. No, no, that's silly. Why would there be a magnet? I suppose they just find it as lovely as I do. This is where you'll find Downing Street.

1 2 2008, Jun 26- The Deception Experiment
by Jenna Ann Mozberry
Aug 10, 2011 2:04:23 GMT -5
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positioned directly under the rift, home of Torchwood 3

Such a lovely city, and with nearly as much alien activity as London, though here in Cardiff it's mostly accidental. Things fall through the rift all the time, but it's mostly junk left for the Torchwood team to pick up while I just pop in occasionally to charge my TARDIS.

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united states, canada, etc.

These folks are the most dangerous people on Earth. They've got pride and guns and they aren't afraid to use them. And they're not the brightest, which makes them all the more dangerous. Oh, but they're really lovely, they try so hard... *shakes head* just never works out quite right does it, but their hearts in the right place.

2 20 1978, Jan 2- The Twinkie Defense [Val]
by Valkyri
Aug 13, 2011 6:01:08 GMT -5
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china, japan, thailand, etc.

Ah, Asia. Haven't been here as much as I'd like, but it's wonderful. So many things to do, people to see, and lots and lots of sushi. I love sushi. Who doesn't like sushi? It's fantastic!

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the old Torchwood, before it went mobile

Ah, the old Torchwood bases. The one's I don't like. A guy makes one mistake that gets the Queen's knickers in a twist and suddenly there's a whole organization looking to ensure that your head's been detached from your body. I must say, I am not amused.

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unified intelligence taskforce

These chaps would be a whole lot better if they didn't carry guns. Lots of bases throughout the world, and a rather impressive collection of alien junk. Most of it's useless because they don't know what it's used for, and like I'm going to tell them. Don't they wish.

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the parallel universe where Dårlig Ulv-Stranden can be found

There was a time that the rift split open. It wasn't meant to, but it did. And because of that I lot someone very dear to me. Rose. But she's safe and sound here and she's got a human version of her Doctor. I bet they've got lots of babies now, she really fancied me.

2 6 2012 March 15th Run Tag 8th Doctor
by The Eighth Doctor
Jun 29, 2011 2:24:25 GMT -5

before it exploded from the sun.

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling 1453, Apr 4- fall of honor [MONK/open]
Envi 2 352 by Envi
Aug 11, 2011 2:42:53 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling 2012, April 1st. Down the Rabbit Hole. {Open}
Sally Sparrow 26 1,351 by Jack Harkness
Jul 12, 2011 11:44:00 GMT -5


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EARTH, YE OLDEbefore it exploded from the sun.
Oh how I miss this sometimes, so many good memories here. You can also find TORCHWOOD and other important things here.
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